words. feelings. random stuff.

Category: stories (Page 3 of 3)

SNMPTN: My Story

Hari ini, secara resmi aku sudah bukan maba lagi. 🙁

Loh, kok bisa? Yaaaah karena pukul 2 siang tadi, hasil SNMPTN 2017 sudah diumumkan di laman resmi SNMPTN.

Dengan diumumkannya hasil seleksi, seratus ribu siswa kelas 12 akhirnya bisa bernapas lega… sementara sisanya hanya bisa menangisi layar desktop, tawakal, dan kembali membuka buku latihan soal SBMPTN.

Momen pengumuman SNMPTN ini bikin aku teringat pada tahun lalu, ketika aku masih stuck di zaman kegelapan alias semester 2 kelas 12 SMA. Saat itu pertengahan Mei 2016, pengumuman SNMPTN sudah di depan mata. Aku harap-harap cemas sambil merefresh browser untuk kesekian kalinya. Sebenarnya aku gak punya ekspektasi bakalan keterima lewat jalur ini karena prestasiku di sekolah biasa aja, tapi karena namaku udah terlanjur masuk dalam sistem, ya sudah aku berdoa aja. Kali aja hoki, hehehe. Saat itu pilihan pertamaku Ilmu Komunikasi UI, pilihan keduanya Sastra Inggris UI.

Singkat cerita, jarum jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 13.00 WIB. Dengan penuh semangat dan jantung berdebar-debar, aku membuka kembali laman resmi SNMPTN dan segera login. Klik!


Lemot banget dah.

Gara2 diakses calon maba se-Nusantara sih.

Mana nih…


Hasil seleksi sudah muncul.

Bagaimana hasilnya?!?!





Aku lupa pernyataan aslinya gimana, kurang lebih ya kayak gitu.

Di saat itulah aku merasa bersedih. Gak cuma itu, aku pun jealous sama yang udah share stiker happy dan tulisan alhamdulillah di Line, yang udah komen jurusan dan univ masing2 di grup kelas… enaknya gak perlu was2 lagi nungguin pengumuman “tempat tinggal” baru. Walaupun udah disemangatin ortu, tetep aja… ditolak univ idaman itu sakit bruh.

Untung masih ada jalur tes tertulis seperti SBMPTN dan UM. Perjuanganku belum selesai! Setelah hiruk pikuk SNMPTN berakhir, aku kembali belajar otodidak melalui buku latihan soal dan simulasi SBMPTN serentak yang diselenggarakan oleh berbagai pihak. Tak lupa aku mendaftar SBMPTN dan UTUL ketika waktu pendaftaran telah dibuka.

And the rest is history… nanti aja pas lagi rame2 SBMPTN dan UTUL.

Anyway, selamat menempuh hidup baru bagi para maba! Semoga betah di jurusan dan universitas yang telah menerimamu dengan tidak apa adanya…

excerpt from my dream journal #1

hansel and gretel found a house of sweets.
meanwhile, i found a house of chocolate. the house was moderately sized, and looks as if it belonged to another time when my granny was a little girl. it was secluded from the rest of the neighborhood, distinguished by the walls of pine trees. i found it when i was playing hide and seek with my class mates after school ends that afternoon. a faint whisper commanded me to walk into the woods. somehow i didn’t resist; instead i followed its lead, which then brought me into this strange house.

this would make sense if i had lived in the northern hemisphere, because let’s be honest, it’s not quite realistic to have a house of chocolate in a country with tropical climate. the house could survive the night. however, 2 hours after contact with sunlight and it will be gone.
perhaps i read too much for a little girl. wait, i’m not so little anymore; i’m ten. i’m old enough to be a hogwarts student.

but in a world where you can catch pocket monsters in your devices, talk with boys who live in a world of binary codes, and found your love in unexpected places; anything should be possible.


not everyone had a happy childhood, and that’s okay.
when you were a kid, people often asked, “what do you want to do when you grow up?”
and you would answer with a dazzling smile plastered on your face, your soul as green as a maize field in the summer.
you have no idea what’s in store.
you only knew what kind of job you could possibly acquire in the future from your parents, friend, or what you saw in the media.
as you grow up, you realised…
nobody said the future was meant to be easy.
storms come and go
and hearts break and heal
but you have to

stay strong.

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